Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Exploration AND Narrative

- God (in background painting) always in the back of his mind- ideas of questioning God arose at this time.
- The World
- Space, universe, limitless, infinity of nothing.
- Exploration and human's need or intrigue of new things- longing/ thirst for knowledge
- Intellect, thinking, academia
- Power that comes with knowledge.
- Logic, reason, theory of knowledge, philosophy

Visuals to take note of:
- God beams
- Dramatic lighting
- Adult male
- Cluttered, dusty, musty
- Contained
- Green cloak (importance, intellect, scholarly)
- Books- symbol of human's progression (knowledge that we have acquired)
- Placement of objects is reminiscent of how renaissance artworks were- staged, triangular formations (signaling towards the heavens- allegorical)
- Dark shadows that have depth- deep in thought
- Introverted, inclusive
- Void- stillness and quietness to the scene
- Harmonious
- Pensive moment- voyer, we almost interrupt this frozen moment.

Ideas for the character:
- Scholar, intellectual
- Disheveled looking (spends all their time studying)
- Introverted
- Hoards Books and academic instruments
- Sits and thinks a lot
- Discusses their thoughts with other like minded people to relax
- Intense personality (completely absorbed in what they are doing)
- Inquisitive
- Content with their insular life, surrounded by books. Doesn't need ample human interaction.


" The scholar is absorbed in his world, his den, comfortably surrounded by
instruments that reassure his purpose. "

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